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Modern electronic communication process between lawyers and the insurance industry
At the meeting of the Association of German Insurers (GDV) in cooperation with the German Bar Association IT Workgroup (DAV) in Cologne, as part of his presentation on Best Practices Presentation, attorney at law Lutz Paschen hosted a talk on online reporting for Legal Claim Management and the challenges of electronic legal communications, illustrating their impact on client satisfaction. On 23 November 2010, at the Marriott Hotel Cologne, the Community Event of the GDV and DAV IT-Law enjoyed a good response.
By days end, majority of the lawyers in attendance along with representatives of various insurance companies such as the ERGO group and HUK-Coburg agreed that in the future communication will be handled electronically whenever possible.
The legal profession is being challenged, paper files and letters are promptly being replaced by electronic versions. Soon the insurance world will communicate solely through the industrial electronic networks working with external service providers.
For PASCHEN, this is further confirmation that an early focus on all types of electronic communication and commitment to provide absolute transparency regarding its processes to our clients is the right decision.