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European Accounts Receivable Network – Partners are meeting in Enschede, NL

After meeting in Berlin and Barcelona in the last years, the eight European EARN® partners were invited to Enschede in the Netherlands for their annual meeting to exchange experiences this year. This year the EARN® country focus was on insolvency. In the intensive exchange of experiences, the participants discussed country specific insolvency proceedings, their processes, possibilities for enforcing eligible claims as well as current national and European changes. Of particular interest was, not only from a German point of view, the topic of avoidance of transactions in insolvency proceedings.

Afterwards Dr. Oliver Fawzy from BKS Bundesvereinigung Kreditankauf und Servicing e.V. gave a deeper insight into the current capabilities and limitations of cross-border European enforcement measures and outlined the opportunities already adopted by the European Commission European Account Preservation Order (EAPO), which will facilitate the seizure of debtors bank accounts Europe-wide from January 2017.

At the end the EARN® partners agreed that the team of Damsté Advocaten was a great host and that the participants could benefit from the intensive exchange of ideas also at the evening while cooking together.

The next meeting of the combination will take place 2015 in Luxembourg.