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LSH – PASCHEN Opens Up New Perspectives for HVAC Service Providers

Pressure from competition is on the rise and not only for HVAC service providers. Prices are falling and companies are being seriously affected by the credit crunch. The LSH – Leistungsgemeinschaft SANITÄR HEIZUNG , one of the oldest craftsmen co-operations in Germany and their members are now entitled to make use of particularly profitable conditions in legal claim management with PASCHEN Rechtsanwälte.

In order to successfully compete with other businesses, craftsmen organizations need to have not only a capable industry-related co-operation but optimized corporate core competencies as well, especially when it comes to their financial management.

The Leistungsgemeinschaft SANITÄR HEIZUNG offers a wide range of co-operation partners with services in different sectors. LSH-members will now also benefit from PASCHEN’s successful claim management methods to effectively reduce the days sales outstanding (DSO). Professional experience and personal specialization accompanied by a profound knowledge of economic contexts as well as a detailed grasp of the industry are the basis of PASCHEN service.