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BvCM Regional Event South at Creditreform in Munich

This year’s BvCM Regional Event South on May 24th 2017 took place at Creditreform München, Ganzmüller, Groher und Kollegen KG in the Bavarian state capital, Munich. Following an introductory keynote speech by Christoph Schieder from Creditreform Munich about the latest work of bestselling author Michael Lewis, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hock from the University of Applied Science Amberg-Weiden spoke about modern credit management and the concept of an innovative portfolio management. To what extent the reform which came into force in April this year may eliminate the risk of escalating avoidance of transactions in insolvency proceedings, was explained in detail by attorney at law and expert in the field of insolvency law, Michael Schmidt. His lecture also covered conversations and discussions among the participants at the end of the event.