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RAK Cologne awards Jürgen Baumeister specialist lawyer for construction and architectural law
As part of our focus on the enforcement of supplier rights in the B2B sector, we are again increasingly involved in questions of private construction and architectural law as well as tenancy law. Our Cologne-based construction and real estate team, which has specialised in this field for many years, advises construction companies, tradesmen and architects on legal issues relating to claims from these service providers in the construction sector.
Against this background, our partner and head of the Cologne office, Jürgen Baumeister, was awarded the title of FACHANWALT BAU – UND ARCHITEKTENRECHT by the Cologne Bar Association on 28 January 2025 after providing appropriate proof of his theoretical and practical expertise.
Mr Baumeister thus complements his proven expertise as a specialist lawyer for labour law and as a lecturer in insolvency law at Bochum University of Applied Sciences with the area of law that has now become one of the most important focal points at our Cologne office.